Elapse - определение. Что такое Elapse
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Что (кто) такое Elapse - определение

·vi To slip or glide away; to pass away silently, as time;
- used chiefly in reference to time.
v. n.
Pass, lapse, glide away, slip away, pass away.
¦ verb (of time) pass.
C16: from L. elaps-, elabi 'slip away'.
Примеры произношения для Elapse
1. to have less time elapse.
Gubser & Frans Pretorius _ Talks at Google
2. at mission elapse, time such and such,
Open Source Chrome Browser Mission _ Jay Trimble _ Talks at Google
3. or are you giving up before the 30 minutes elapse?
4. You will be more likely to give up before the 30 minutes elapse,
5. elapses in each minute of screen time. Because of the long duration of the events unfolding,
We Write this to You from the Distant Future _ Eduardo Kac + More _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Elapse
1. Five to six weeks may elapse between shooting an episode and the time it airs.
2. Ojoch inveigled the public as his time bomb is approaching to elapse.
3. Weeks could elapse between an invitation from the North and the board meeting, the diplomat said.
4. We allow a seemly interval to elapse before trudging back to the car.
5. Prosecutors believe that the alleged crimes could elapse in early 2008.